The first line of defense against disease is a proper pH balance or being Alkaline.
Disease can only grow in an acidic environment, which makes conditions favourable for the growth of bacteria, yeast, fungus, mould and viruses. Foods can make your body either alkaline or acidic.
Also emotions can either cause acidity or alkalinity.
Emotions like anger, hate, sadness, despair, and loneliness change your body’s chemistries to acidity. Happy emotions, such as love, joy and gratitude may assist in making your body alkaline. You can test your pH level with pH test strips.
One of the simplest and tastiest ways to assist with balancing your pH is to start and finish your day with a warm lemon drink. This will assist your digestive system and help with the elimination of wastes from the body.
There are many health benefits of lemons that have been known for centuries.
Lemons contain many beneficial substances–notably citric acid, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, bioflavonoids, pectin, and limonene, that promote immunity and fight infections. Always use fresh (preferably organic) lemons. Squeeze ½ a lemon into luke-warm water. Don’t use cold water as this takes your body more energy to process. Drink this first thing every morning before you do anything else. Repeat the process before going to bed.
Some people may be prone to acid wear on their teeth and rinsing with plain water after your lemon drink may prevent this wear from occurring.
Lemons can assist with:
1. Digestion
2. Act as a diuretic
3. Balancing your pH
4. Keeping your breath fresh
5. Building up your immune system
6. Your weight loss program
7. Hydrating your lymphatic system
8. Promoting healing
9. Cleansing the skin
10. Enhancing your mood
11. Antibacterial
12. Antiviral
13. Immune stimulant
14. Liver cleanser.
All fermented foods also will help with Alkaising the body like sauerkraut; misso, tempeh, Kimchi, Organic Yogurt, Kefir, Pickles and Olives.
Being Alkaline is something that needs to be tested regularly to find out where you are within the acid/alkaline balance. Alkalinity is the first step in the process of enjoying FUNtastic health.
"These strips worked great. Easy to use, a good price, and near instant results. They're very helpful to understand the effect on your body of what you eat and drink. I don't worry too much about deciphering the exact gradations of the color chart; it's easy to tell whether you're acid, alkaline, or generally balanced. The effect of water with lemon in the morning is dramatic. For me, this product helped make me more conscious of the food choices I make every day. It's a very helpful tool." - Cal
"Measuring the pH in your body is such a good idea! These strips make it very easy to see where you're at and where you need to be. Too much acidity is (obviously) not good and when a product like this can help determine the levels in your body, why wouldn't you take advantage? I enjoyed measuring my levels with these test strips. They were super simple to use and results were clear and there were plenty of test strips (125) in the bottle." - Jems129
Helps you manage diabetes, joint pain, osteoporosis, & other common ailments through alkalinity. “Disease can’t survive in an alkaline body”. - Dr. Otto Warburg, 1931 Nobel prize winner